Winter flower

The Impala Lily is a beautiful flower that lights up the bush during the middle of winter when everything else is “dead”. It is also known by the names Sabi Star or The Desert Rose. This beautiful flower has a red-pink outer and an almost snow-white inner which makes it all the more conspicuous. However, this beautiful plant is also poisonous and is thus left untouched by passing animals. Some tribes use the watery latex from the Impala Lily on the tip of their arrows, mixed with other herbs, and this is how they hunt antelope. The toxicity of the poison varies per Impala Lily, some being so deadly that a large antelope hit by such an arrow will run 100 metres and then collapse dead. But there is also a medicinal side to the Impala Lily – it is said that if mixed with the right herbs and in the right quantities, it can be used against cardiac arrest…