General Terms and Conditions

KWAMBILI GAME LODGE is hereinafter referred to as “The Lodge” and THORNYBUSH NATURE RESERVE (which Reserve incorporates a number of properties owned by private landowners who enjoy reciprocal traversing rights over each other’s properties) is hereinafter referred to as “The Reserve“.

  1. Right of admission is reserved.
  2. Whilst at the Lodge/Reserve guests shall comply with any reasonable instruction given by an employee or representative of the Lodge/Reserve. The Lodge/Reserve shall have the right to eject a guest from the Reserve if a guest fails to comply with any such instruction.
  3. Guests enter and use the Lodge accommodation and facilities and participate in any activities at the Lodge entirely at their own risk.
  4. Guests warrant that they have been advised, made aware of and accept the dangers of being in an unfenced camp with dangerous animals and the variety of risks and dangers at the Lodge/Reserve which have been explained in detail, and that they have understood and comprehend the risk and the implications thereof from information provided prior to arrival as well as the briefing given on arrival. Such risks and activities include, but are not limited to, the following:
    • An unfenced camp with the possibility of many species of dangerous animals roaming the camp and its surrounds, including, but not limited to, the so called “Big 5”, other predators, antelope, snakes, scorpions and spiders. Specifically:
      • Guests may not run anywhere in camp (including from an animal or towards an animal) unless there is no other option. Minors especially are to be made aware of this.
      • If dangerous animals are sighted in camp, a staff member must be made aware of this immediately.
      • Guests may not approach any animal in camp, even antelope and warthogs. Their horns and tusks can create serious injury and even death.
    • Accommodation.
      • Guests may not walk unaccompanied to and from their accommodation at night.
      • Guests must be alert to dangerous animals in the immediate vicinity of their accommodation. If there is a dangerous animal present, they should remain inside the accommodation and not venture out for as long as such animal is present. Should potentially dangerous animals (e.g. snakes, scorpions and spiders) be detected inside the accommodation, guests should exit the accommodation if during the day or sound the alarm if at night.
    • The swimming pool and hide. All minors must be accompanied by their guardian (as indicated on their check-in form) when making use of these facilities.
    • Game drives are conducted on open game viewers with the risks associated thereto. Guests must be particularly aware of their conduct on game drives including, but not limited to, the following:
      • Guests may not stand up in the vehicle except as directed or given permission by the ranger.
      • Guest are to remain quiet and considerate of other guests.