A successful daytrip to Kruger National Park

We had guests staying with us for a week who wanted to do something different so we took them to Kruger National Park for the day. We left early in the morning and, just after entering the gate to Kruger, we had a very rare sighting of a female cheetah and 5 youngsters next to the road. The mother was focussed as she crossed the road in front of us and the youngsters followed her, watching her every movement, being at the stage where they are learning how to hunt. After they disappeared into the bush we moved on with a stop at Bobbejaanskraans to take some pictures. In the far distance we saw a male lion walking fast and scent-marking – but as quickly as we saw him he disappeared into the bush. Then on our way to the Timbavati picnic spot we saw a pride of lions relaxing in the riverbed watching some impalas in the far distance and later we also saw 2 male lions sleeping in the shadow of a bush. After lunch at Satara we took the s100 route and saw elephants, a hyena relaxing in a small puddle of water and another pride of lions sleeping next to the road. As we turned to start making our way out of the park we saw a leopard on a termite mound, and then just before we reached the exit a bachelor group of buffalo. All in all, a very successful day in the Kruger National Park!