After some good rains the plant life around KwaMbili has started coming to life, including the Commelina Benghalensis, commonly known as the blue mouse ears. Commelina is named after Johan Commelin. The name actually originates with the story of the three Commelin brothers being represented by the three petals of the flower. There are two big petals and one small one, situated just below the reproductive parts between the bracts. The large petals represent the two brothers Johan and Casper who became famous botanists, while the small petal represents the third brother who died as a young man, and thus never lived to achieve botanical fame.
The plant itself has a lot of uses. It is used as a traditional medicine to treat fevers, sore throats and eyes, infertility and burns. If you squeeze the leaf sheath at the base of the flower a drop of tasteless, slightly sticky sap comes out from between the leaves that can be used as eye-drops or even to drink. The leaves can also be boiled and cooked as a meal.