Young leopard meets porcupine

Over the past days we have seen almost as much in and around KwaMbili Lodge itself as out on game drive! There is a young male leopard who is a regular visitor to our camp at night – we often find his tracks in the morning. The other evening he arrived earlier, appearing just outside camp as the sun was setting. After unsuccessfully pursuing a young bushbuck he proceeded to walk right through camp, much to the consternation of the staff. He stopped for a drink at the waterhole, providing us with a good view from the hide. Then he set off again, quite clearly looking for something to eat. He started stalking and finally killed a porcupine near KwaMbili Dam! A short while thereafter we heard branches breaking near the lodge – a sure sign that elephant are busy. And sure enough, a large bull elephant emerged out of the darkness and proceeded to drink at our waterhole, much to the delight of our guests in the hide.