A special sighting

We were extremely lucky this week at KwaMbili to see an animal we have not seen in a while – and not just one! We have spoken before about what happened to our resident cheetah when the predominance of the lion and leopard population forced them out of our area. We still do find cheetah occasionally roaming on to the reserve but they are an uncommon (though much appreciated) sighting – especially with the dense bush around us. Generally when we do see them there are one to three of them but this time we were treated to five and, to top it all, they had killed an impala! Although we didn’t see the actual kill we weren’t disappointed. After all these truly are beautiful cats and one never tires of seeing them. These five may have made their way on to our reserve in search of new territory. The widespread scent of lion and leopard will probably make them decide to move on as they know they are weaker than the other big cats and they would prefer a less dangerous area to settle. But nature is unpredictable so perhaps they will return to stay – we certainly won’t mind that!