These last weeks at KwaMbili have seen a lot of wildlife activity in and around camp. Our resident female leopard, Twinspot, and her cub have been visiting regularly as well as a breeding herd of buffalo with a one month old calf. The presence of the buffalo has resulted in a few close encounters for us on foot but our rangers have kept everyone safe. One evening Twinspot’s cub was playfully stalking a civet and a porcupine in front of our hide – a sighting never to be forgotten by the guests having dinner there. Other news is that we had a wonderful sighting (complete with photo’s) of one of the northern lionesses playing with her 3-month old cubs. We had been eagerly waiting for her to introduce the cubs to us and this certainly made the wait worthwhile! Then towards the end of an evening game drive, we came upon a pride of lions feasting on a buffalo. By the time we returned the following evening there was not much left of the kill, and only the vultures picking at the remains.