Big Four in Camp

This last week one did not even have to leave camp to get to see four of the Big Five. It started with a visit from the (northern) Thornybush herd of elephants during dinner one night. They were enjoying tugging at the branches of a tree overhanging the boma where the guests were dining and this allowed for some really close-up viewing. Then a night or two later Twin Spots, our resident female leopard, brought her cub to drink at our bird bath while all the game drive vehicles were out looking for her. She did not enjoy spectators, even if we were behind glass doors, and showed off her impressive teeth in a menacing growl. This was followed the next evening by a visit from our old male lion, Marvin, who stopped to drink at our waterhole and proceeded to roar his appreciation. He may be getting on but he can still put on quite a performance! And then one afternoon a lone “dagga boy” (buffalo) appeared at the KwaMbili Dam, looking for a mudbath